fredag den 10. februar 2017

Simple Buddhist mindfulness instructions

I recently discovered this monk,the venerable Webu Sayadaw,his teaching and practice is simple

He teaches,that the present Buddha Gotama,and all the other Buddhas in the past, had a thing in common,they all attained enlightenment by the practice of anapanasati/mindfulness of the breathe
says,that of the 40 meditations taught by the traditional texts,anapanasati is the most direct and effective,also most accessible to anyone

Sit up straight,with cross legs,focus on your breathing, be aware when you are breathing in and be aware when u are breathing out and the sensation of the breath touching your nostrils,and simply do this,just stick with the breath,and when distracted,return to the sensation of the breath touching your nostrils and be aware of in and out

By doing this,we are restraining all our senses and gaining tranquility,and with this the venerable Webu Sayadaw says that we will automatically gain insight and liberation as our concentration/stillness grows deeper

I have been practicing Buddhism for a while,but i am very much fascinated by this monks teaching,as Buddhism can seem complicated at times,and for me,just knowing this,that mastering this one meditation can and will lead to liberation is inspiring

I note that keeping the 5 precepts is of course an essential to all successful practice for those of you who do not know the 5 precept,i will provide a link here,

I will leave u with a Wikipedia page on him,i very much recommend you check him out,since learning of this monk,my meditation practice has improved :)

ps:i have also posted this on reddit under my name malang88,i like this post so i wish to share it here

metta(good thoughts to you)